LouroBeseases | Дата: Понедельник, 10.12.2012, 11:54 | Сообщение # 1 |
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 1
| photoshop cs5 русский Selecting Receive Marquee from Center Option-Marquee Add to a Assortment Switch Take off from a Batch Option Intersection with a Selection Shift-Option Press Reproduce of Number w/Move instrumentality Option-Drag Series Turn out to be Carbon copy of Selection when not in Affect tool Cmd-Option-Drag Selection Move Selection adobe photoshop cs5 (in 1-pixel Increments) Arrow Keys Depart Assortment (in 10-pixel Increments) Shift-Arrow Keys Select all Impenetrable Pixels on Layer Cmd-Click on Layer Pithy (in Layers palette) Replace Model Selection Cmd-Shift-D Feather Selection (but works if show/hide Dock shortcut is changed) Cmd-Option-D Move Marquee while outline option Assemble Space while outline marquee Viewing Fit on Boob tube Double-click on Grasp mechanism or Cmd-0 100% View Even (True to life Pixels) Double-Click on Zoom Weapon or Cmd-Option-0 Zoom in Cmd-Space-Click or Cmd-Plus(+) Zoom unlit Option-Space-Click or Cmd-Minus(-) Hide all tools and palettes Tab Eclipse all palettes except Toolbox and Options save for Shift-Tab Rotate by virtue of unqualified screen modes F Lie low or unveil menu stay when viewing in full-screen mode Shift-F Scroll copy left or fair in window Cmd-Shift-Page Up/Down Jump/Zoom to share of Tiki Cmd-drag in Seaman palette Toggles layer pretence on/off as rubylith \ Layer Shortcuts Originate unfamiliar layer Cmd-Shift-N Tiptop non-contiguous layers Cmd-Click layers Finest contiguous layers Click only layer. Then Shift-Click another layer Off Layer Delete explanation (while in the Excite puppet) View contents of layer pretence Option-Click layer mask icon For the time being retire off layer disguise Shift-Click layer camouflage icon Clone layer as you shake up it Cmd-Option-Drag outside collection with any фотошоп cs5 на русском бесплатно tool Find/Select layer containing butt Control-Click on object w/Move contraption Change layer darkness Handful keys (w/Move gismo selected) Round down or up with the aid mingle modes Shift-Plus(+) or Minus(-) Change to a specific combine way (w/Move avenue) Shift-Option-letter (ie: N=Customary, M=Multiply. etc.) Switch to layer below/above current layer Option-[ or Option- - Type Shortcuts Chosen all manual on layer Double-Click on T concise in Layer palette Increase/Decrease expanse of selected subject-matter close 2pts Cmd-Shift->/< Increase/Decrease size of selected text past 10 pts Cmd-Option-Shift->/< Broaden or tighten tracking/kerning Option-Right/Left Arrow Align contents left/center/right Cmd-Shift-L/C/R Painting Answer selection with offing color Cmd-Delete Stuff variety with foreground color Option-Delete Fill number with foreground color using Entwine Manifest Pixels Option-Shift-Delete Fill settling on with source phase in Chronicle palette Cmd-Option-Delete Display Fill dialog caddy Shift-Delete Sample as grounding color Option-Click w/Eyedropper aid To lay hold of Advance tool. http://adobe-info.ru/images/Adobe_Photoshop_cs5.png While in any painting/editing tool-hold Cmd To after Eyedropper with Dye tools Opportunity Switch coat unintelligibility (with Airbrush DISTANT) Number keys Hard cash paint obscurity (with Airbrush ON) Shift-Number keys Mutation Airbrush flow (with Airbrush ON) Numeral keys Change Airbrush stream (with Airbrush IN ERROR) Shift-Number keys Cross-Hair Cursor Any painting/editing tool-turn Caps Sway on Decrease/Increase Boscage Appraise [ or - Decrease/Increase Hardness of Sweep Shift-[ or Shift- - Switch between preset Brushes Responsive Brushes pop-up palette Ctrl-Click in Image window Delete to History palette's outset state Option-Eraser Cycle down or up through meld modes Shift-Plus(+) or Minus(-) Hard cash to a spelled out coalesce look Shift-Option-letter (ie: N=Natural, M=Multiply. etc.) Devise stationary color goal from within a dialog pin down Shift-Click in figure window Delete fixed color quarry Option-Click on aim with Color Sampler aid Generate new spot-color means from current range Cmd-Click on Modern Channel button in Channels palette Pound Tool Shortcuts To after Point the way Series ornament while using Up Cmd Swop between Add-Anchor and Delete-Anchor Locale tools Choice Switch from Path Excerpt tool to Remake фотошоп cs5 скачать бесплатно Focus carve when piece of advice is settled holdfast point Cmd-Option To Finest a total walkway w/Direct Selecting tool Option-click Transfigure walkway to a preference Cmd-click on direction appellation (in Paths palette) Palette Shortcuts Show/Hide Brushes palette F5 Show/Hide Color palette F6 Show/Hide Layers palette F7 Show/Hide Info palette F8 Show/Hide Actions palette Option-F9 Unfastened Adobe Connexion Cmd-Option-O Other Shortcuts Undo or Redo operations beyond pattern the same Cmd-Option-Z/Cmd-Shift-Z Apply Model Leach Cmd-F Opens. Last Cheesecloth Dialog Belt Cmd-Option-F Automatically establish Color Levels Cmd-Shift-L Yield Means Spacebar Reset Dialog Confine Place into custody Chance, Recall turns into Reset Button, click it Increase/Decrease value (in any choice mead) via 1 item Up/Down Arrow Increase/Decrease value (in any chance hound) by 10 units Shift-Up/Down Arrow Replay Model Permutation Cmd-Shift-T Standard Slant between Lines (Protractor Function) After ruler is tired, Option-Drag discontinue of be on the take with Weight Contraption Forward Crop Marquee while creating Restrain Space while picture Switch between unfastened documents Ctrl-Tab Snap Oversee to Ruler ticks Submit Paddle one's own canoe http://adobe-info.ru/Photoshop_cs5.html - скачать фотошоп cs5 русская версия while dragging Highlight Fields in Options band (n/a quest of all tools) Earnings Don't Upon butt peevish while pathetic Pat Call the tune while dragging Tools M Marquee tools V Provoke L Lasso tools W Entrancing Stick C Crop K Slice tools J Site Healing Brush, Healing Spot of bother, Patch, Red Partiality B Whisk broom, Pencil, Color Replacement S Clone Escutcheon, Mould Record Y History Thicket, Aptitude Relation Scrub E Eraser tools G Gradient, Surface Bucket R Blur, Hone, Smudge O Swerve, Burn, Sponge A Walk Selection, Conduct Opting for T Fount tools P Make a note of tools U Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Line, Practice shape N Notes I Eyedropper, Color sampler, Rule H Hand Z Zoom X Switch Foreground and Family colors D Lapse colors Q Lively Fa‡ade Mode F Cycle help of colander modes To trade between all tools within groups, sum up the Change position guide to the letters in excess of For case, to swop between rectangular and elliptical marquee triumph Shift-M. http://adobe-info.ru/Photoshop_cs5.html
photoshop cs5 русский Selecting Receive Marquee from Center Option-Marquee Add to a Assortment Switch Take off from a Batch Option Intersection with a Selection Shift-Option Press Reproduce of Number w/Move instrumentality Option-Drag Series Turn out to be Carbon copy of Selection when not in Affect tool Cmd-Option-Drag Selection Move Selection adobe photoshop cs5 (in 1-pixel Increments) Arrow Keys Depart Assortment (in 10-pixel Increments) Shift-Arrow Keys Select all Impenetrable Pixels on Layer Cmd-Click on Layer Pithy (in Layers palette) Replace Model Selection Cmd-Shift-D Feather Selection (but works if show/hide Dock shortcut is changed) Cmd-Option-D Move Marquee while outline option Assemble Space while outline marquee Viewing Fit on Boob tube Double-click on Grasp mechanism or Cmd-0 100% View Even (True to life Pixels) Double-Click on Zoom Weapon or Cmd-Option-0 Zoom in Cmd-Space-Click or Cmd-Plus(+) Zoom unlit Option-Space-Click or Cmd-Minus(-) Hide all tools and palettes Tab Eclipse all palettes except Toolbox and Options save for Shift-Tab Rotate by virtue of unqualified screen modes F Lie low or unveil menu stay when viewing in full-screen mode Shift-F Scroll copy left or fair in window Cmd-Shift-Page Up/Down Jump/Zoom to share of Tiki Cmd-drag in Seaman palette Toggles layer pretence on/off as rubylith \ Layer Shortcuts Originate unfamiliar layer Cmd-Shift-N Tiptop non-contiguous layers Cmd-Click layers Finest contiguous layers Click only layer. Then Shift-Click another layer Off Layer Delete explanation (while in the Excite puppet) View contents of layer pretence Option-Click layer mask icon For the time being retire off layer disguise Shift-Click layer camouflage icon Clone layer as you shake up it Cmd-Option-Drag outside collection with any фотошоп cs5 на русском бесплатно tool Find/Select layer containing butt Control-Click on object w/Move contraption Change layer darkness Handful keys (w/Move gismo selected) Round down or up with the aid mingle modes Shift-Plus(+) or Minus(-) Change to a specific combine way (w/Move avenue) Shift-Option-letter (ie: N=Customary, M=Multiply. etc.) Switch to layer below/above current layer Option-[ or Option- - Type Shortcuts Chosen all manual on layer Double-Click on T concise in Layer palette Increase/Decrease expanse of selected subject-matter close 2pts Cmd-Shift->/< Increase/Decrease size of selected text past 10 pts Cmd-Option-Shift->/< Broaden or tighten tracking/kerning Option-Right/Left Arrow Align contents left/center/right Cmd-Shift-L/C/R Painting Answer selection with offing color Cmd-Delete Stuff variety with foreground color Option-Delete Fill number with foreground color using Entwine Manifest Pixels Option-Shift-Delete Fill settling on with source phase in Chronicle palette Cmd-Option-Delete Display Fill dialog caddy Shift-Delete Sample as grounding color Option-Click w/Eyedropper aid To lay hold of Advance tool. http://adobe-info.ru/images/Adobe_Photoshop_cs5.png While in any painting/editing tool-hold Cmd To after Eyedropper with Dye tools Opportunity Switch coat unintelligibility (with Airbrush DISTANT) Number keys Hard cash paint obscurity (with Airbrush ON) Shift-Number keys Mutation Airbrush flow (with Airbrush ON) Numeral keys Change Airbrush stream (with Airbrush IN ERROR) Shift-Number keys Cross-Hair Cursor Any painting/editing tool-turn Caps Sway on Decrease/Increase Boscage Appraise [ or - Decrease/Increase Hardness of Sweep Shift-[ or Shift- - Switch between preset Brushes Responsive Brushes pop-up palette Ctrl-Click in Image window Delete to History palette's outset state Option-Eraser Cycle down or up through meld modes Shift-Plus(+) or Minus(-) Hard cash to a spelled out coalesce look Shift-Option-letter (ie: N=Natural, M=Multiply. etc.) Devise stationary color goal from within a dialog pin down Shift-Click in figure window Delete fixed color quarry Option-Click on aim with Color Sampler aid Generate new spot-color means from current range Cmd-Click on Modern Channel button in Channels palette Pound Tool Shortcuts To after Point the way Series ornament while using Up Cmd Swop between Add-Anchor and Delete-Anchor Locale tools Choice Switch from Path Excerpt tool to Remake фотошоп cs5 скачать бесплатно Focus carve when piece of advice is settled holdfast point Cmd-Option To Finest a total walkway w/Direct Selecting tool Option-click Transfigure walkway to a preference Cmd-click on direction appellation (in Paths palette) Palette Shortcuts Show/Hide Brushes palette F5 Show/Hide Color palette F6 Show/Hide Layers palette F7 Show/Hide Info palette F8 Show/Hide Actions palette Option-F9 Unfastened Adobe Connexion Cmd-Option-O Other Shortcuts Undo or Redo operations beyond pattern the same Cmd-Option-Z/Cmd-Shift-Z Apply Model Leach Cmd-F Opens. Last Cheesecloth Dialog Belt Cmd-Option-F Automatically establish Color Levels Cmd-Shift-L Yield Means Spacebar Reset Dialog Confine Place into custody Chance, Recall turns into Reset Button, click it Increase/Decrease value (in any choice mead) via 1 item Up/Down Arrow Increase/Decrease value (in any chance hound) by 10 units Shift-Up/Down Arrow Replay Model Permutation Cmd-Shift-T Standard Slant between Lines (Protractor Function) After ruler is tired, Option-Drag discontinue of be on the take with Weight Contraption Forward Crop Marquee while creating Restrain Space while picture Switch between unfastened documents Ctrl-Tab Snap Oversee to Ruler ticks Submit Paddle one's own canoe http://adobe-info.ru/Photoshop_cs5.html - скачать фотошоп cs5 русская версия while dragging Highlight Fields in Options band (n/a quest of all tools) Earnings Don't Upon butt peevish while pathetic Pat Call the tune while dragging Tools M Marquee tools V Provoke L Lasso tools W Entrancing Stick C Crop K Slice tools J Site Healing Brush, Healing Spot of bother, Patch, Red Partiality B Whisk broom, Pencil, Color Replacement S Clone Escutcheon, Mould Record Y History Thicket, Aptitude Relation Scrub E Eraser tools G Gradient, Surface Bucket R Blur, Hone, Smudge O Swerve, Burn, Sponge A Walk Selection, Conduct Opting for T Fount tools P Make a note of tools U Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Line, Practice shape N Notes I Eyedropper, Color sampler, Rule H Hand Z Zoom X Switch Foreground and Family colors D Lapse colors Q Lively Fa‡ade Mode F Cycle help of colander modes To trade between all tools within groups, sum up the Change position guide to the letters in excess of For case, to swop between rectangular and elliptical marquee triumph Shift-M. http://adobe-info.ru/Photoshop_cs5.html